Gate Valve Options
Single Piece and 2-Piece Stem Extensions for Gate Valves
Stem extensions are valve handle extensions, designed for use on valves located areas where standard configuration valve handles are inaccessible. They provide a direct connection between the actual valve stem and the relocated valve handle. Single piece stem extensions attach direct to the valve stem and the moving stem is exposed. Two-piece stem extensions consist of not only the single piece stem extension, but are also provided with an outer housing. The outer housing acts an outer sleeve which fits over the inner stem extension protecting the moving inner stem extension in buried applications. Support brackets and plates are typically used with both types of extensions. They provide a strong anchoring point for heavy gear-operators on butterfly valves, or prevent lateral movement on single piece lever handle extensions.
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Ideal Applications Include:
Buried valves, out of reach valves
- For use with 1-1/2″ – 14″ gate valves
Gate valve stem extension (1-piece) in 316 stainless steel
Style GT-B
Gate valve stem extension (1-piece) in carbon steel with powder coat finish
Style GT-B
Gate valve stem extension (2-piece) - option of power-coated carbon steel or 316 stainless steel with PVC outer housing
Style GT-A
Gate valve stem extension (2-piece) in stainless steel finish
Style GT-A Landfill
Gate valve stem extension (2-piece) in carbon steel with powder coat finish
Style GT-A Landfill
Optional wall support for any and all 1-piece stem extensions
*must be ordered with stem extension (factory assembled); specify length from 6" - 18" at time of order
- Custom built specifically to fit Asahi valves
- Carbon steel, 304 stainless steel or 316 stainless steel single piece stem extensions or inner stem on 2-piece stem extensions
- Carbon steel or PVC outer housings
- Nitrile gaskets
- Carbon steel, 304 stainless steel or 316 stainless steel wall/floor plates
- Carbon steel, 304 stainless steel or 316 stainless steel wall supports