Thermoplastic Valves
Asahi/America’s thermoplastic valves provide a dependable and economical way to handle corrosive chemicals, including sulfuric and hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, oxidizing chemicals, caustics, solvents, halogens, and various other hostile fluids.
Asahi/America’s pneumatic and electric actuators have pushed the state-of-the-art since 1987. Today’s offerings have added numerous features and material choices to accommodate the broadest range of applications.
Specialty Valves
The Dymatrix® product line offers unique flow control solutions to the semiconductor industry. Dymatrix® valves are ideally suited for CMP slurry, DI water and chemical process applications.
Valve/Actuator Fast Packs
Ideally suited for industrial applications featuring harsh media environments, packages are available in ½” to 4″ in ball valves and 1-1/2″ to 8″ in butterfly valves. The most compelling feature of these new offerings is that Asahi/America ships every one of these assembled packages in 24hrs from time the order is received.
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